Assisting Chiropractic Practices With Their Billing Needs

Veterans Administration Credentialing Services Available


A Reliable Medical Software Management Company


Call us now: (918) 740-5987

Chiropractic Billing Service

6% of Insurance Collection Using your ChiroTouch

Your Trusted Medical Software Management Company


Medical Office Management is a Chiropractic billing Service connecting remotely to your in-house ChiroTouch software so there is no disruption in your normal office workflow.

We guarantee that we can help you realize your practice's full potential.


Because we've managed entire practices, we have an excellent understanding of all aspects of your office and can better relate to your clinical needs, freeing you from the worries of billing and associated labor.

A/R Analyses

We perform a monthly review of your Accounts Receivables to identify ageing claims and get them paid.


6% of Insurance Collections

Our Specialists work with your ChiroTouch software remotely. Our coders are ICD-10 & CCCPC Chiropractic Certified.

No Long-Term Contracts

If you decide you want to terminate the Service Agreement 30 days gives us time to leave you a clean billing system.

Small Monthly Minimum for Small or Rural Practices

Our $500 minimum would only apply if you see less than 10 patients a day on average.